Girls on the Run

Be in the know with this season’s details for 3rd-5th graders and register today!

Girls on the Logo
Two Girls on the Run participants smile at the camera while running at an outdoor practice in yellow shirts

Current Season Details

Thank you for your interest in Girls on the Run programming. 

Registration will open Monday, February 3rd for our Spring 2025 season.


Two girls
  • The lottery registration period will be Monday, February 3rd to Sunday, February 9th. 
  • A lottery will take place on Monday, February10th for all sites with registrations beyond their capacity. Families will be notified via email about their registration status.
  • On February 11th, registration will reopen for all sites that are not full and will remain open on a first come, first serve basis through the second week of practice. 
  • Our Spring 2025 season will begin the week of February 24th (New Castle County) and March 3rd (Kent and Sussex Counties).
  • Our standard schedule is to practice 2x a week for 8 weeks. Practice times and days will vary by site and can be seen on the locations page of our website. 
  • A season-culminating statewide 5K celebration will be Saturday, April 26th (Wilmington) and Sunday, May 4th (Georgetown).
Two girls

Fin-Aid - GOTR

Financial Aid

Girls on the Run Delaware provides financial assistance based on qualification for free/reduced lunch benefits or annual household income. Please see the chart below for program fee details. Additionally, a two-part payment plan is available for online registrations.  By selecting this option when presented online, you will be charged half of the program fee upon registering and the remaining half will be charged in early April.

If you fall between the financial assistance categories detailed above and would like to discuss additional financial assistance options, please contact our office at 302.250.6753.

We will never turn any participant away based on an inability to pay.  If you require fee assistance beyond what our financial aid program offers, please contact our office.


  • February 3 - February 9

    The lottery registration period

  • February 24th (New Castle County) ~ March 3 (Kent and Sussex Counties)

    Spring 2025 Season Starts

  • Saturday, April 26th (Wilmington) ~ Sunday, May 4th (Georgetown)

    5K Celebration

Reg fees - SHARED

Registration Fees

Building confidence and setting young girls down the path of a healthy lifestyle is PRICELESS! However, there are real costs associated with operating a non-profit organization and delivering the Girls on the Run program to over 2500 girls in Delaware each year. Registration is $195 per girl and includes:

  • 16 ninety-minute sessions conducted by certified GOTR volunteer coaches
  • Curriculum and lesson materials
  • Official GOTR T-shirt and water bottle
  • 5K Registration fee
  • 5K Medal
  • Post 5k celebration
Registration Fee Guide
Registration Type Price
Full-Price Registration  $195

Financial Aid Option 1

Annual household income is between $120,000-$150,000


Financial Aid Option 2

Annual household income is between $95,000-$119,999


Financial Aid Option 3

Annual household income is between $75,000-$94,999


Financial Aid Option 4

Annual household income is between $65,000-$74,999


Financial Aid Option 5

Annual household income is between $50,000-$64,999


Financial Aid Option 6

Annual household income is between  $30,000 - $49,999


Financial Aid Option 7

Annual household income is between  $20,000 - $29,999


Financial Aid Option 8

Annual household income is less than $19,999

Lottery Registration Process

To sign up for the lottery online, please have the following information available:

  • Parent/Guardian Contact Information
  • Emergency Contact Information
  • Health Information (Allergies, medications, etc.)
  • Insurance Information (Have insurance card available)
  • Credit/Debit Card

When will I be notified if my girl made the team? 

If your girl is selected via the lottery, you will receive an email on February 10th by 3pm. Girls who are not placed on a site-based team will be placed on a waitlist and you will receive an email from Girls on the Run. You will be notified via email if a spot on the team becomes available. 

Why is there a lottery registration process? 

Teams are limited to 15-20 girls, depending on the number of volunter coaches at each practice. Many of our teams have more than 15-20 girls who want to participate so lottery registration period/process provides an opportunity for all intereted girls to register. After the registraiton period, if there are more girls than spaces available, a computer generated lottery will be run. You will receive notification as to whether your girl was placed on the team or the waitlist in the afternoon of February 10th. 

If there are more spaces available on the team than girls registered, everyone will be placed on the team and the remaining spaces will be open for first come, first serve registration.

When does the lottery occur? 

The Lottery will occur on February 10th when the online system will randomly select girls that signed up for a designated location.

How does the lottery payment process work? 

When you register your girl, you will be asked to submit a form of payment and you will be charged at the time of registration. However, if you are not selected for the lottery, your payment will be refunded within five days. You will also be refunded for any merchandise purchased at the time of registration. Girls on the Run Delaware will work with you to try to find an alternate location or establish another team at the site if possible.

Withdraw & Refund Policy

In the event that a program participant would like to cancel her registration for whatever reason, it is the responsibility of the parent/guardian to contact the GOTR office to withdraw from the program.  Notifying a coach is not sufficient.

Girls on the Run will issue a full refund (excluding processing fee of $10) if a girl withdraws prior to the start of the seaosn or during first week of practice.

A refund of 50% is available for any girl that must withdraw prior to the midpoint of the season. No refund will be issued for any cancellations beyond the midpoint of the season.  If a site is cancelled due to insufficient registrations or other reasons deemed appropriate by GOTR, the full registration fee will be refunded.

Please note: If your participant does not attend practices but you do not contact our office to cancel, you will still be help responsible for paying any outstanding program fees.

Attendence Policy

Due to the importance of group dynamics and the experiential learning process of the GOTR curriculum, we ask that you do not register your girl if she is unable to commit to attending all scheduled practices. While we understand unexpected absences may occur, please do not register if you anticipate that your girl will miss more than two practices. 

COVID-19 Information

Information found here.


My girl isn't a big runner; is this program for her? OR My girl is already a skilled runner. Is this program for her?

Yes! We are much more than a running program, and every participant can benefit from the experience of building confidence through accomplishment while participating in our rich, curriculum-based, age-appropriate, interactive lessons. Expect lots of games, talking, laughing and processing in addition to running at each practice. And know that when we say run, we mean run, walk, skip, roll or push, just as long as you are moving foward!

What does the program fee include?

Though our cost per particpant is $195, through generous donors we're able to offer the 8-week, 16-lesson program on a sliding scale based on family income. Your program registration fee includes all lesson materials, including GOTR curriculum, activity sheets, lap counters and more, a GOTR t-shirt, a bib entry into the season-ending 5K, a finisher's medal, and a GOTR water bottle.

Can my girl repeat the program?

Yes! Our curricula are designed to be repeated. Girls new to the program and girls repeating the program will both benefit from the lessons. We know what a child experiences and learns in Girls on the Run as a third grader is quite different from what she learns as a fourth or fifth grader. With repetition, the depths of learning and the ability of a girl to apply what she learns at each lesson is greater. Within Girls on the Run, we rotate between three curricula for Girls on the Run and two curricula for Heart & Sole, so our girls experience similar topics, but with different games and activities from one season to the next. With that experience, returning girls often naturally step into mentoring and leadership roles.  

What is the Girls on the Run behavior policy?

Any participant engaged in behavior that threatens the health or welfare of other participants, coaches or other key Girls on the Run volunteers will be released from participating in the program. Threatening behavior may include but is not limited to: physical injury, emotional maltreatment, abuse of prescription or illegal drugs, use of alcohol, carrying firearms or other dangerous items, using any item in a dangerous way, or any other activity determined by a coach or administrator to be threatening to another’s health or well-being. Girls on the Run reserves the right to remove any child from participation for any reason that does not fit the mission and goals of the organization.

Girls on the Run is intentional with the way in which we see behaviors. We know that behavior is a skill that individuals learn and grow. We also know that a participant’s context and life experiences influence their behaviors. We are intentional about including participants with and without disabilities and work with participants within this context as well. 

Do girls need to attend both days each week in order to register?

Yes! Since most of our teams fill up quickly, if your girl will be unable to attend all the sessions, please save room for a girl who can, and consider joining us in a future season when she can enjoy the entire program.

What if I am trying to register siblings during the lottery process registration?

You can register siblings in the same form using the “Add Another Participant” button located on the bottom of the health and insurance information page. When the computer-generated lottery is run, either all siblings will be randomly selected or no siblings will be selected. 

Is there a way for me to sponsor a participant for a season?

Yes! As a mission-driven 501(c)3, Girls on the Run relies on generous donors in order to provide more than $50,000 in program scholarships for families in need. Click here to sponsor a participant this season.