Summer Social

Monday, June 24th

Bring a friend!  Smart Casual Attire

Summer Social

Monday, June 24th

Sign up to play pickle, paddle, tennis or mahjong, or just come and be social. We hope you can join us for this new event! Space is limited for the play portion of the evening, so register early. Pros will be at the event to put friendly matches together.


Vicmead Hunt Club

903 Owls Nest Road

Wilmington, Delaware 19807


$60 to be social

$75 to play and be social

$40 for Young Supporters (under age 30) to be social

$55 for Young Supporters (under age 30) to play and be social


5:00pm to 9:00pm (play and social)

6:30pm to 9:00pm (just social)


Event Program

5:00pm Welcome

5:15pm Play activities begin

6:30pm Social time begins

Food & Drinks on the Vicmead Terrace

7:15 pm Short remarks

Be social!

Thank you to our Host Committee!

Becky Allen

Debbie Ashley

Stacey Bacchieri

Alison Buonocore

Amanda Calabro

Jane Castle

Mary Jo Chandler

Helen Corroon

Lindsey DiSabatino

Meg Erskine

Meryl Gatti

Michele Harra

Amanda Hay

Jennifer Hopkins

Jolie Houston

Terri Murphy

Kristin Muzik

Danielle Nowaczyk

Cindy Prendergast

Alexa Raab

Tiffany Randall

Erin Rubano

Courtney Spagnolo

Theresa Stover

Ellen Trzuskowski

Judith Ventura





Thank you to our Sponsors!


Are you interested in sponsoring our annual fundraiser?